Monday, July 14, 2008

Locating Feeds and Blogs

I experimented with the feed locators that were mentioned. Clicking on the link to Feedster gave me (numerous times) the error message, "The page cannot be displayed," so needless to say I didn't locate many feeds there. I thought and Technorati were good for locating news feeds, but they weren't terribly helpful in locating blogs relating to libraries and librarians, which is what I was searching for. Syndic8 seemed to me the most difficult to use.

All in all, I had the best luck finding library-related blogs utilizing Bloglines' search tool and just looking through their list of the day's favorites and the top 1,000, though admittedly my enthusiasm didn't carry me through to #1,000.

The most interesting blog my searching turned up? This had to be one called "The Society for Librarians Who Say ************." (I'm deleting the expletive, but you get the picture--it's something of a maverick librarians' blog.)

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